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Weekly Astrology Forecast: March 16 – March 22, 2020

An insightful day to you Spiritual Seeker!

This is a major week as Saturn goes into Aquarius and it only happens every couple of years.

It is one of the most important events in astrology which is called “Saturn Return”

It means that total self-reflection and realization is a very powerful process…

This week will be all about extremism and finding balance!

Monday, March 16: Balance

On Monday the Moon is going into Capricorn. And it wants you to be reasonable and objective. Your entire being comes into perfect harmon and it is a day to see yourself for who you truly are.

Astrology Event: Moon in Capricorn. Communication planet Mercury moves back into Pisces.

It’s the best time to: Start the week with a great sense of balance with; your inner passionate self and physical being.

Tuesday, March 17: Deep Realization

On Tuesday there’s the Capricorn Moon and your intrinsic self wants to be productive. There will be a deep realization about how worthy you are of love. You will become aware that you are lovable and you deserve love. This day is about sensuality, personal love, passionate love and the love for luxury.

Astrology Event: Venus In Taurus. Moon forms a harmonious relationship with dreamy Neptune. Pisces is in Capricorn Moon.

It’s the best time to: Give a chance at love, or spend time and explore your relationship with your partner.

What you should avoid: Overcompensating, and giving more than what you have to.

Wednesday, March 18: You Are Abundant

On Wednesday you will be inspired to create an ideal version of you. What you must realize is who you are and what you are right now is sufficient. Think about who you want to be, don’t work so hard for a goal where you you might end up hurting yourself, and your family in the process.

Astrology Event: Capricorn Moon conjuncts with Mars, Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Sextiles the Sun in Pisces.

It’s the best time to: Give yourself a break. Enjoy precious moments with loved ones.

What you should avoid: Working so hard and ignoring who and what really matters in life.

Thursday, March 19: Receptive

On Thursday your mind will become more receptive to new ideas and concepts, and you’ll be open to learning. You’ll be interested in the good of mankind. 

Astrology Event: The Moon moves into Aquarius. Squares Uranus and Taurus. Sextiles Chiron in Aries. 

It’s the best time to: A day to sit back and observe.

What you should avoid: Getting hooked into drama and fear.

Friday, March 20: Spring Equinox

On Friday there will be a Spring Equinox, and we have the most perfect balance time of year! It is a day of new beginnings. Find the courage to create new opportunities that will leave a legacy to the world. Build something that you truly care for and be happy about.

Astrology Event: Sun moves into Aries. Mars conjuncts with Jupiter.

It’s the best time to: Do what you’ve been finding the courage to do.

What you should avoid: Avoid procrastinating on this day, or you’ll miss a lot of opportunities.

Saturday, March 21: Invigorated

On Saturday expect progress in your career, it’s a good starting point for all businesses since we are mentally active. You’ll have a lively imagination and also dream expressively. 

Astrology Event: Moon in Pisces.

It’s the best time to: Meditate, contemplate and immerse in your inner self. You will create new ways of thinking.

Sunday, March 22: Upheaval

On Sunday you will feel very spiritual and the idea of love is immense. Emotions will explode and it’s a great day for romance. There will also be a great potential change around you. Note that despite the romantic nature, there is a possibility of disagreement.

Astrology Event: Mercury in Pisces. Mercury sextile Uranus and Taurus. Pisces Moon Conjunction Neptune. Venus sextile Neptune

It’s the best time to: Just ride the wave and see where it takes you but don’t let past issues get to you. It will be a source of disagreement.


And this concludes your week! 

If you’ve been feeling out of sorts, confused on what your next steps should be, or what you’re about to embark on doesn’t feel right, the best guidance to ask for is the one that will align you with the Universe and what you desire. 

Take your chance today by revealing your 2020 forecast in the Year of the Metal Rat 

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Master Sarah Lee

Master Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee dedicated herself to the study of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui since the 1980s. To date, she has analyzed over hundreds and thousands of profiles transforming the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals.

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