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Weekly Astrology Forecast: June 8th – June 14th, 2020

A pleasant day to you spiritual seeker!

Last week, we had the awesome opportunity to witness the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and the Strawberry Moon.

From Monday to Wednesday, a powerful eclipse energy will be present in the atmosphere.

The best advice for this week is to practice self-care and self-love to tame these odd energies.

Monday, Jun 8th: An Unexpected Event

On Monday, something unexpected will happen and it will surprise you. There may be a sudden turn of events for you so be on high alert for that. Use this unfamiliar ground to focus on what you can do in a practical sense.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Capricorn (personal goals)

On top of Pluto in Capricorn (transformation)

It’s the best time to:

Use your wisdom to connect with what brings you joy and let appreciation flow through your being.

Tuesday, June 9th: Mixed Energies

On Tuesday, it is recommended that you set aside your quest for romance on this day. Everything is not what it seems, balance is overthrown and communication is tough.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Aquarius (compassionate, greater good)

Squares Uranus in Taurus (friction with chaos in the world)

Trines Venus in Gemini (you can misread things because of the retrograde)

It’s the best time to:

Put your thoughts into the here and now, and choose peace.

Wednesday, June 10th: Openness for Harmony

On Wednesday, you will feel a strong desire to find different ways of expressing love for people who are close to you. Your altruism will show by wanting to be around people and help them.

However, you may be highly sensitive and might take things out of context so have more control of your actions.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Aquarius (balance, humanitarian)

Trine with Venus in Gemini (love and beauty)

It’s the best time to:

Recognize your own needs and rationalize if it resonates with the situation. Face reality with openness to achieve harmony.

What to avoid:

Looking back on past issues and regrets


Thursday, June 11th: Your Fun Loving Self

On Thursday, you will have a huge desire to have fun and socialize! Reorganize your priorities and bring your focus onto your own energy. Be your own powerful guide. Listen to your own inner feelings to achieve a personal breakthrough.

Find new sources of joy and fulfilment – the worse may seem like it’s over but your judgment might just be clouded because of Venus in retrograde.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Pisces (dreamy, feelings, inward)

Squares venus and Gemini

Sun in Gemini (communication lit up by Sun)

Sextiles Chiron in Aries (wounded healer)

It’s the best time to:

Find happiness without putting yourself in harm’s way.

Friday, June 12th: Emotional Ride

On Friday, do not be afraid to let go of your fears as they will only hold you back. Once you let them go, you will grow and evolve…lighting up the path you’re supposed to walk on. 

You have the power to change the things you’ve in control of and you have the wisdom to know the difference from the things you have to let go.

Astrology Event:

Moon  in Pisces (inward, dreams, spiritual)

Sits on top of Mars in Pisces (Aggression, ego)

It’s the best time to:

Seek your spirit guides for awakening. Your sixth senses will be heightened and your intuitiveness will be all time high. Look for your inner strength.

What to avoid:

Don’t enter a situation without having an effective exit strategy

Saturday, June 13th: Stagnant Energies

On Saturday, the stagnant energies from the day before could be carried unto this day and there will be a possibility of a breaking point.

Remember that you are the creator of your own thinking, feeling patterns as well as your circumstances. Radiate positivity as much as you possibly can. 

Astrology Event:

Moon in Aries (spontaneity, fiery)

Sextiles Sun in Aquarius (balance)

It’s the best time to:

Be aligned with the vibrations of your desired outcome.

Sunday, June 14th: Clarity and Wisdom

On Sunday, you will have absolute clarity. Your feelings and thoughts will align. You can shift your energies towards positivity, and achieve a total reset on this day in terms of your mental and emotional health.

Astrology Event:
Aries conjuncts Chiron in Aries (spontaneity, wounds healing)

Sextiles Venus in Gemini (love planet in retrograde)

Squares Mercury in Cancer (communication, feelings)

It’s the best time to: 

Practice self-care and clear your space. It’s the best day to cleanse your energies, thoughts and emotions on this eventful day.


One of the most effective ways to align yourself with the energy of the Universe, and achieve a total mental and spiritual resetis by finding out which one of your chakras are imbalanced.

Take this precious time for yourself to find out which one of your Chakras are out of balance that needs your immediate attention right now.

It won’t take more than 5 minutes of your time! And this short 30-second quiz will be absolutely life-changing for you!

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Master Sarah Lee

Master Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee dedicated herself to the study of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui since the 1980s. To date, she has analyzed over hundreds and thousands of profiles transforming the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals.

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