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Weekly Astrology Forecast: June 15th – June 21st, 2020

An amazing day to you, spiritual seeker!

You will be experiencing another magical Eclipse on June 21st with the Moon in Cancer.

This week will be all about self-healing, forgiveness, personal breakthrough and embracing your true self. 

Monday, Jun 15th: A Massive Desire

On Monday, you will have ecstatic energy and a massive desire to start something fresh. 

You will be drawn to make changes to your daily routine which involves your work and your finances.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Aries (active, independent)

Square with Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn (rebirth, luck, and hardworking)

Sextiles Sun in Gemini (great sense of motion, practical, sensible) 

It’s the best time to:

Look to new experiences with good faith. Make informed and practical decisions and channel your energy in the right direction.

Tuesday, June 16th: Comfort or Change?

On Tuesday, in contrast to Monday, you will feel resistant to change. Learn acceptance, because the more open-minded you are the more you will grow.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Taurus (sense of comfort)

Conjuncts with Uranus in Taurus (planet of unexpected)

It’s the best time to:

Accept things for what they are and your role in it, it will become easier for you to have peace and comfort.

Wednesday, June 17th: Self-Healing

On Wednesday, look for ways to uplift yourself and put your negative patterns on hold. 

When it comes to your security (financial, job, relationships) you may feel that everything is set out for your disappointment – it’s because of Mercury on Retrograde. Don’t take things too personally.

Astrology Event:

Moon still in Taurus (sense of comfort)

Conjuncts Uranus in Taurus (unexpected)

Mercury in Cancer joining Venus in Retrograde (how we can go inwards to heal)

(be really careful as emotions will run high)

It’s the best time to:

Allow yourself to heal your wounds.  Light some candles, cook your favorite meal, or turn on your essential oil diffuser. Inhale peace, exhale the worry.

Thursday, June 18th: Forgive Yourself

On Thursday, it is a great day to tap into your personal power and use it to create your own reality. Take care of your mental and emotional health. Don’t listen to your own negative self-talk.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Taurus will move to Gemini from 17:00 EST (fun, goals, your vibrations)

Mars in Pisces (masculine, mindful)

Sextiles Pluto in Capricorn (make an effort to transform)

It’s the best time to:

Meditate for abundance and affirm your goals. 

You should also free yourself of your past shortcomings, to free your energy centers from negativity.

Friday, June 19th: Personal Breakthrough

On Friday you’ll be extremely sensitive to positive vibrations. It’s a day when you have access to your inner self. Work on your personal and spiritual development. Be prepared to have a deep personal breakthrough. 

Astrology Event:

Moon in Gemini (fun, goals, passion)

Conjuncts Venus in Gemini

Sextiles Chiron in Aries (wounded healer)

It’s the best time to:

Reclaim your self and find a way to break free from the negative aspects of your self. Spend some time to meditate and balance your chakras. 

Saturday, June 20th: Share Your God-Given Gifts

On Saturday, you will be motivated by curiosity. You will have a strong desire to read and enrich your mind. 

You may also want to write and share your experiences by starting a blog or teach what you know to people who would benefit from your knowledge.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Gemini (communicate, think, and learn)

Sunday, June 21st: Solar Eclipse

On Sunday, your spirit is in need of deep cleansing to renew your entire well-being.

It’s all about cleaning your aura and sending higher vibrations to light.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Cancer  (intuitive, gentle, nurturing)

Sun in Cancer (being in touch with yourself and on what you care about in reality)

It’s the best time to:

Connect with higher realms and tap through the vibrations. It’s the most intuitive event of the week and you will be in your element.


Clear your auras by only allowing love and positivity to enter your energy field. 

You can create ripples of peace, love, and abundance when your energy field is clear. 

On the other hand, healing, cleansing, and regeneration of your auras and energy field won’t be possible if you’re suffering from a Chakra Imbalance. 

Here’s an eye-opening 30-second quiz to discover which one of your chakras is out of balance.

It’s about to get magical for you 😉


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