A splendid day to you spiritual seeker,
At last! We are now reaching the end of 2020.
We will be welcoming this glorious week with the Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse in Gemini, shifting your focus on what works favorably in your life today.
This week will also bring you brand-new confidence as well as opportunities involving communication and negotiation.
Monday, November 30th: Reach your full potential
On Monday, take action in the path of your desires and focus on the area of your life where you’re doing astounding.
Trust that everything you need will be provided for you, whether you ask for it or not. Watch out for revelations that will unveil today.
Astrology Event:
Full Moon and Lunar eclipse in Gemini (communicative, chatty, secrets will be unveiled)
It’s the best time to:
Start your day with a Full Moon Ritual. Meditate, clear up your space, drink lots of fluids, and set up a peaceful meditative space filled with crystals and candles.
Tuesday, December 1st: Pick yourself up!
On Tuesday, you may wake up feeling unmotivated, but don’t fret! This is just the moon taking a break and recharging for more magnificent days to come.
Astrology Event:
The Moon is void of course (may cause stagnant energy)
It’s the best time to:
Give credit to all the good choices you’ve made and good decisions that have resulted in the progress of your life today. You have been reframing your paradigm all year, this is not the time to stop chasing the dream. Go for gold!
Wednesday, December 2nd: A transformative day
On Wednesday, don’t be afraid to make difficult decisions and to break out of your routine! You are divinely supported in your decisions.
Astrology Event:
Moon is in Cancer (nurturing)
Aligning with Uranus (transformative)
It’s the best time to:
Try out new experiences, listen to your inner voice, and get out of your comfort zone on this day. Magical things await you!
Thursday, December 3rd: Power struggles
On Thursday, focus all your energy on your positive visualizations so that no matter what devastating energy hits – you won’t be easily influenced.
When you maintain your energy, everything that you dream of accomplishing, you will.
Astrology Event:
Cancer Moon is in conflict with Mars and Pluto (nurturing Pisces, in conflict with aggressive Mars and transformative Pluto)
It’s the best time to:
Tap into your higher self today, practice staying balanced in the form of exercise or deep meditation.
Friday, December 4th: Your brand new confidence
On Friday, listening to your inner voice as it will help bring out your brand new confidence.
The Universe is presenting you opportunities to prosper with the use of communication and your negotiation skills on this day.
You have a powerful tool that you possess, your inner voice. Listen to it and trust the process!
Astrology Event:
Moon is in Leo (confident, fun)
In harmony with communicative Mercury
It’s the best time to:
Plan business meetings on this day, it is most likely that you will be able to close important deals. Communication will be flawless and you will be confident through and through!
Saturday, December 5th: Expand your horizons
On Saturday, your brand new confidence will meet optimism, which is a great formula for growth!
Express yourself creatively and expand your horizons, there are no limits to what you can do. Let your mind soar to the greatest heights!
And plan a course of action for your visions to become reality.
Astrology Event:
The Leo Moon is in harmony with the Sagittarius Sun (confident Leo in harmony with optimistic Sagittarius)
It’s the best time to:
Get ready for a wave of growth and abundance. You will see how positivity will transform your reality. Heal your mind body and soul with your healthy and soulful habits.
Sunday, December 6th: Massive blessings!
On Sunday, the exciting news you received about the future will encourage you to work hard and achieve beyond your plans. You are now seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
The more you prepare for this upcoming blessing, the more excited you become. Also, you will grow (spiritually and financially) more than you ever thought you would.
Astrology Event:
The Moon moves into Virgo (Moon moves into a perfectionist and organized Virgo)
It’s the best time to:
Everything is falling into place, upgrade your consciousness, and prepare for all the incredible things that are entering your life.
In Closing
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