A powerful week awaits you, spiritual seeker!
Today marks the beginning of a new expansive era and abundance
At 5:15 EST the great conjunction of 2020 will transpire.
With this powerful event being in the air sign Aquarius…
It signifies balance and moving away from tangible possessions. It is a time of innovation and revolution. The best is yet to come…
Monday, December 21st: The Great Conjunction of 2020
Monday marks a new era – being in an air sign after 200 years. Expansive Jupiter will manifest all your desires. It also signifies financial abundance globally, this may mean that global economies will start to recover.
Astrology Event:
There is an alignment between structured Saturn and expansive Jupiter
- in the air sign of innovative Aquarius.
It’s the best time to:
Tap into Jupiter and Saturn’s energy to help you come into alignment with your highest self. Jupiter is expansive (expands whatever it touches) which means abundance and luck.
Expand your spiritual mind, focus on it, and abundance such as luck will be yours.
Make a list of things you want to attract.
Tuesday, December 22nd: Love is in the air
On Tuesday, if you’re single you will feel easily excited by the prospect of new love. If you’re in a relationship, you will look for ways to revive the romance. Taking a risk would be on your list today.
Astrology Event:
The Moon is in reluctant Aries
In harmony with loving Venus
It’s the best time to:
Don’t do anything drastic that will put your relationship at stake. Take your significant other on a date. Apply the 2-2-2 practice – go on a date every 2 weeks, go on a weekend getaway every 2 months, and go somewhere memorable for a week every 2 years.
If you’re single, be patient and look for deeper meaning.
Wednesday, December 23rd: Think before you react
On Wednesday, tensions may arise. Don’t let your progress be compromised because of your pride. Remember, you’ve come a long way. Think first before you react.
Astrology Event:
Assertive Mars is in tension with compulsive Pluto
It’s the best time to:
Do some quiet meditation and reach into the deepest recesses of your soul. Envision a better you, visualize better circumstances, and practice gratitude. Your positive energy will shield you from anything negative.
Thursday, December 24th: Bask in the glory of the Universe
On Thursday, if the previous day was full of tension, this day will be the exact opposite.
You can totally put your feet up and enjoy your morning coffee in peace. You will be focused on the wave of positive energy that gives off a relaxing balanced vibe.
Astrology Event:
Leisure loving Taurus Moon is in harmony with the diligent Capricorn Sun
It’s the best time to:
Everything that’s happening in your life is aligned with divine timing. Bask in the glory of the universe. Enjoy this day.
Friday, December 25th: Christmas Day
On Friday, pleasure-seeking Taurus continues to grace its presence in the cosmos. Urging you to spend time doing nothing and appreciate this glorious day.
Astrology Event:
The Moon in Taurus (pleasure-seeking)
It’s the best time to:
Love yourself fully, let go of the past, hug your loved ones a little tighter, get off your phone, and spend this lovely occasion with a giving heart.
Saturday, December 26th: The Moon is void of course
On Saturday, the Moon gives you a pleasant opportunity to unplug, rest and relax and muster up your energy after the holidays.
Astrology Event:
The Moon is void of course
It’s the best time to:
You will feel lethargic, don’t force yourself to do a task today. Take this day off!
Sunday, December 26th: Upgrade to the new you
On Sunday, you will be encouraged to discover more about yourself – what you can and can’t do. A career or personality upgrade. This energy will help you make plans for the New Year!
Astrology Event:
The Moon is in curious Gemini
While the diligent Capricorn Sun
Is in harmony with unconventional Uranus
It’s the best time to:
Whatever you’re attracting right now is necessary for your growth, embrace change, and don’t hold on to antiquated beliefs it’s time to upgrade for a new you this coming year.
In Closing
When you are open to change, you are open to opportunities and opportunities bring abundance and prosperity.
Be a yes person and invite wealth and abundance into your life!
This holiday season, I’m gifting you a special pendant
That is full of good luck, healing and protection.
A great symbol of protection and personal healing.
It’s all been paid for by me,
All I ask is to help with the shipping.