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What To Expect for Pisces Season 2021

Pisces season started yesterday on February 18th and will end on March 20th, 

What do we know about Pisces?

Pisces is dreamy, it is visionary, creative, highly intuitive, and empathetic.

During this season, your mood and energy will be greatly influenced by this sign. Most of the time you mimic its characteristics.

Expect to get lost in your thoughts and find a newfound love for Art of all kinds, whether it’s poetry or expressive painting.

This is also a pleasant time to get in touch with your highest self as your intuition and imagination are at an all-time high. You will notice reaching theta waves at a rapid rate when you meditate – causing manifestations to be such a breeze.

A Pisces journeys through life with emotions with a little bit of intuition and spirituality. 

It is a fan of the arts and psychology. Pisces are ethereal creatures and can be dramatic.

They are tremendously creative and sensitive, and is usually the first one to catch “feels” in the room because they are empaths.

Now So what should you expect this year? How will Pisces season affect you? 

During this season,

  • You’ll be interested in anything that can allow you to escape reality for the moment.
  • Expect to feel whimsical, like you want to just stay in bed rewatching The Notebook for the ninth time because you want to be all mushy.
  • Your inner artist will come up to the surface. 

Whether you like drawing, creating a blog, poetry, painting, sculpting, dancing. If this is something you ever wanted to try. Just do it. 

You will feel the depth of your emotions as you express yourself through your creativity. 

  • When Mercury goes direct after February 20th, you’ll have more energy to start stepping up on the gears of your goals. 
  • You may be greeted with new projects or a new job, since the Mercury Retrograde serves as a huge barrier that complicates communication.
  • Expect to have more vivid dreams and look out for patterns and synchronicities. 
  • Listen to your intuition, the coming changes in your life this season will boost your confidence and this will inspire you to chase your dreams will all your might. 
  • You may have episodes of mood swings, and when this happens don’t control it. Feel your emotions, find an outlet to express them fully.

Here are significant dates to note during Pisces season:

February 19th 

Venus the love planet is on a square angle with the planet of ambition, Mars in Taurus

You will feel more passionate and sensual. 

You will also feel slightly aggressive that you want to dig up old issues between family and friends. 

February 24th

Expect a more diligent and motivated you as Mars forms a harmonious relationship with the planet of rebirth Pluto in hardworking Capricorn,

It’s a great day to show the tricks up your sleeve, you may get a promotion or a raise based on your performance on this day.

February 28th

This is the day after an intuitive Virgo full moon. This is a great day for planning your smart moves that can reinforce your growth and success in the future. Don’t worry, you’ll have all the ideas as if it was implanted in your brain.

March 4th

Communication planet Mercury joins expansive Jupiter to bolster your enthusiasm and positivity.

This will improve your self-expression and good news may come along. 

There will be a great opportunity presented to you on this day, don’t let anything pass you by! 

In Closing

Anything magical and miraculous can happen at any given time on any day and you never know when that day comes. So always be receptive to miracles, claim it, affirm it, feel it in your heart.

Because today might be day that changes your fate.

We are going to enter a golden age that has been foretold for centuries by seers, astrologers, and numerologists.

But… there is a catch….

We can go down the Organic timeline or the AI timeline…

It all depends on what choices we all make. Including you.

We ALL have to do our part now or the consequences will be disastrous.

I just received an important message about your role in this transition.

Go get it here

It’s about your mission and how it is connected to the future of humanity

This urgent message is waiting for you here

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Master Sarah Lee

Master Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee dedicated herself to the study of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui since the 1980s. To date, she has analyzed over hundreds and thousands of profiles transforming the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals.

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