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Weekly Astrology Forecast: May 17th – 23rd, 2021

Dear Spiritual seeker, 

This magical week will be the start of Gemini season! Which means your mental acuity will be on point and you’ll be having so much fun with your social circle. 

Also, today is an exciting day to discover surprising information about yourself.

May 17th: Get ready to discover thrilling facts 

On Monday, it’s a great day to tap into the unknown and explore what cannot be seen by your naked eye.  

Astrology Event:
The Moon is in confident Leo 
Taurus Sun connects to transformative Pluto

It’s the best time to:
It’s a great day to get a Tarot reading, Astrology reading or a Reiki healing.. 

May 18th: Lead with love

On Tuesday, there will be a presence of anxious energy and disappointment. Let go of all that does not serve you. Focus on what you can control.

Astrology Event: 
Confident Leo Moon is in conflict with spontaneous Uranus and planet of structure Saturn

It’s the best time to: 
Lead with self-love, compassion and kindness.

May 19th: Big leaps

On Wednesday, the universe is saying to you “Don’t be afraid to take big leaps, and once in a while listen to the child in you”

Astrology Event: 
Moon moves into perfectionist Virgo
And it’s opposing lucky planet Jupiter 

It’s the best time to:
Spend this day outdoors, if you work at home try working near the window or better yet go on a road trip and do your work outdoors. It will help you get a different perspective.

May 20th: The start of Gemini season

On Thursday, hold on to your hat because exciting things are about to happen! 

You will have increased mental clarity, flexibility , and a desire for deep communication.  

Astrology Event:
The Sun moves into social butterfly Gemini  

It’s the best time to:
Fill your day with joy as you are stepping into a new field of energy. The scales will be tipped in your favor, just hold on and enjoy the present!

May 21st: Positive Vibrations

On Friday, optimism and positive vibrations will fill the air up until the rest of the day.

Astrology Event:
The Gemini Sun is in a hard angle to optimistic Jupiter 

It’s the best time to:
You’ll have the opportunity to move forward with clarity and ease, stay grounded and stay within the bounds of reality.

May 22nd: Well-balanced day!

On Saturday, diplomatic and balanced Libra will help stabilize your moods and you’ll feel more appreciative and confident of your status in life.

Astrology Event:

The Moon is in balanced Libra
In harmony with planet of structure Saturn

It’s the best time to:
The dust has finally settled and this day would grant you serenity. You’ve been stressed these couple of days and it is best to savor this well-balanced day.

May 23rd: Saturn goes Retrograde

On Sunday, the retrograde will shed a light on karmic issues, encouraging you to do good and to reflect on your actions.  This retrograde is also urging you to take some time to slow down a bit. 

Astrology Event:
Saturn goes retrograde (planet of karma and structure)  

It’s the best time to:
You gotta stop feeling like you have to chase every aspect of your life in an attempt to catch up with your goals and ambitions. Step into a space of clarity and order – things will begin to naturally go your way. 

In Closing

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez is a Feng Shui advisor and Spiritual blogger. Dedicated to enchant readers and guide them to the path of finding their intrinsic self, getting self-fulfillment and prosperity

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