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July 2021: What’s in Store for You?

July 2021 brings with it several changes and important lessons for our collective spirits. 


This astrological period is mainly characterized by the square of Mars and Uranus and the entrance of the Sun in the passionate sign of Leo.


This means that July 2021 will make us face the intensity of our desires and the urge to fulfill them as fast as we can. 


It is a time to reflect on our impetuous decision-making and to review which situations or relationships we feel trapped in and on the verge of exploding.


The arrival of Leo season will give you the confidence to revisit your passions 

and commit to a more meaningful journey. 


As long as you do not overlook your surroundings while doing so, 

it is a fertile time to reap the harvest of your deep intentions.


And if you feel lost and not sure how to maximize the astrological blessings this month holds, don’t worry.


The following are July 2021 Astrological events to make the most of its most important transits:



Jul 01 — Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius


Your actions are a mere waste of energy if they don’t have a sound purpose. 

Thus, solidify your desire and structure your drives before moving forward. 

You can accomplish your dreams if you team up with hard-working people, 

not only with those who are fun. 



Jul 03 — Mars in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus


This aspect is known to bring accidents or violent outbursts with its passage. 

If you are currently engaged in a relationship or environment that’s preventing you from spreading your wings, you might feel like fleeting through impulsive behavior. 


Take it easy.



Jul 05 — Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus


Some transcendent revelations will surface during this time, bringing a huge relief to whatever family issues you were handling. 

This signals an important transition to a more healthy and friendly dynamic within your household.



Jul 06 — Mercury in Gemini square Neptune in Pisces


Don’t believe everything you hear today. 

Misunderstandings and miscommunication issues will be the order of the day, and it could be worse if you don’t make yourself clear. 

Thus, think before you speak, and don’t let your emotions take control of your mind. 



Jul 06 — Venus in Leo opposition Saturn in Aquarius


This aspect prompts you to be more responsible with your current relationship. 

You might want to enjoy yourself and have fun, but your partner needs to know where things are heading to avoid getting hurt. 



Jul 08 — Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus


Your love affairs and finances can undergo unexpected changes, making you feel anxious and insecure. 

The trick will be to go with the flow and don’t get attached to passing flings or material possessions.



Jul 09 — New Moon in Cancer

This new moon entails an intense revolution to your emotional state. 

The moon will be in its ruling sign, encouraging you to recall past experiences and take care of your well-being. 

It’s a proper day to spend some time with your loved ones and not to burden yourself with work.



Jul 11 — Mercury enters Cancer

Your mind will be in close contact with your intuition, making this a fruitful time to express your emotions properly. 

Follow your heart instead of your insecurities when talking with your loved ones and search for the underlying meaning of the information you receive.



Jul 15 — Sun in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces

This will be a very emotional day bursting with awakening revelations from higher planes of reality. 

You are going to feel very compassionate and eager to spend some time indoors with people you trust.



Jul 15 — Chiron goes retrograde in Aries


You can’t expect to have a fulfilling relationship if you are not willing to address ancient wounds and practice self-love. 

This powerful energy will make you focus on what’s important and forget about superficial affairs.



Jul 17 — Sun in Cancer opposition Pluto in Capricorn

This intense aspect will make you realize the amount of power that lies within you. 

If you don’t usually feel capable of enduring challenging experiences, today you will be able to get through them with flying colors. 

It’s also a proper time to let go of whatever circumstances that’s taking space in your life but no longer serves your spirit.    

Jul 21 — Venus enters Virgo


The passage of Venus to the orderly sign of Virgo will help you sort out your emotions 

and become more practical in your financial affairs. 

It might not be a very passionate time, but it will take you away from any stifling drama and suffocating scenarios.



Jul 22 — Sun enters Leo

The sun enters its ruling sign Leo, symbolizing the hero’s journey, the search for your identity, and the expression of your passions. 

This passage invites you to acknowledge what sets you apart from the rest and to display it, without worrying about what others will say.



Jul 22 — Venus in Virgo opposition Jupiter in Pisces

This is a very whimsical aspect, and while it’s very amusing, it may lead you to miss some red flags if you are not careful. 

Thus, have fun during your social engagements, but try not to make any big romantic commitments during this time.



Jul 23 — Full moon in Aquarius

This lunation will unleash your creative nature and your rebel spirit. 

You might feel like reviewing those aspects of your life in which you are not authentic. 

It will feel like taking off a stiff social mask after a long time.



Jul 27 — Mercury enters Leo

The planet of communication will enter into the fiery sign of Leo, meaning you’ll feel more outgoing and willing to speak your mind without worrying about the consequences. 

During the next couple of weeks, you’ll meet interesting new people and engage in great conversations.



Jul 28 — Jupiter retrogrades back into Aquarius

This is an opportunity to reflect on the groups you relate to and the causes you advocate for. 

Do they still make sense for your life? 

You’ll probably feel more independent and looking for something new.



Jul 29 — Mars enters Virgo

Your rational thinking will sharpen, and you’ll be able to tap on intellectual affairs more efficiently. It will be very profitable to finish a course or to start a new one.



Are you excited for the boost in drive and motivation this July 2021 has for you? This may be the month you will reach your breakthrough, with all these positive Astrological events in your way – nothing is impossible!

You are NOT average because you are destined for greatness…

But, in order to achieve greatness, you must have the courage to answer your calling.

Listen to your inner wisdom and be prepared to step into the reality you have created for yourself.

Does this sound like you? 

If so, you’re going to want to take a look at this.

 And… finally unleash the life filled with great blessings of abundance,  LOVE, and prosperity you were MEANT to live.

Welcome July 2021 with your arms and your heart wide open!

Your Daily Horoscope Overview


Aries Horoscope Today

13 January 2020






Picture of Maria Fernanda

Maria Fernanda

For nearly 10 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of astrology and spirituality, with all the beauty and complexity this can entail. I strongly believe that communicating the magic of the symbolic world is also a form of healing.