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Weekly Astrology Forecast: August 30th, 2021 – September 5, 2021

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

This week, you will be blessed with deeper knowledge and good fortune to chase your dreams. Are you ready to take the first step to the life of your xdreams? A magical month of September awaits you!


August 30th: Take the first step to the life of your dreams!

On Monday, the universe is on your side urging you to tap into your inner social butterfly. You will achieve work-life balance as you’d want to spend this day being productive. 


Astrology Event:

The Moon is in sociable Gemini 

In harmony with pragmatic Saturn

The Moon will be in harmony with loving Venus later in the day


It’s the best time to:

A fire will ignite in you today and you might even think of starting your own online business, it’s not too late to dream a new dream – follow your heart. If you love spending time on Social Media, you can even start learning about social media marketing and have some fun doing it. Take the first step to the life of your dreams!


August 31st: Tap into your expansive knowledge

On Tuesday, the Universe will bless you with expansive knowledge and great confidence. Remember to find that inner strength when you are faced with a tough decision today. 

Astrology Event:

the Moon will be in a stressful angle to dreamy Neptune 

Moon will be in harmony with lucky and expansive Jupiter

It’s the best time to:

It’s a great day to travel, explore and delve deep into knowledge. Jupiter is the lucky planet, so if you have a business in mind today is the day to do create your business strategy.


September 1st: Call upon your angels

On Wednesday, it will be a roller coaster of emotions as the day will start with you being nostalgic and wanting to enjoy your solitude. 

You will suddenly miss your childhood or something from your past. But later in the day, you’ll muster up some strength to move and have the motivation to accomplish your daily routine. 

Astrology Event:

The Moon is in Cancer. 

In a stressful angle to thoughtful Mercury

Later on, that Cancer Moon will be in harmony with the Sun

It’s the best time to:

When you feel alone call upon your angels and if you have a rose quartz bracelet, wear them so your angels will be nearby and you’ll feel warm comfort from them.


September 2nd: Stay focused

On Thursday, you will be amped up to chase your desires with a burning passion. However, some people might hinder you from doing so. Don’t listen to them and stay focused on your goals.

Astrology Event:

Ambitious Mars will be in conflict with empathetic Neptune. 

A transit that occurs once every two years. 

It’s the best time to:

A word of caution: no matter how passionate you are think twice before you take out a cash loan or a quick loan. Especially on this day where it can be challenging because of Neptune not being by your side.


September 3rd:  Get stronger and be wiser.

On Friday, your soul will feel light and you’ll feel your burdens, all your anger leaving you. Leaving your body leaving your space. 

However, this is not the day to think about your future finance – take this day to regenerate your being. 

Astrology Event:

The Moon in sensitive Cancer will be in harmony with idealistic Neptune

It’s the best time to:

Practice self-love and be yourself on this day. Get stronger and be wiser.


September 4th: Manifest your dream getaways!

On Saturday, your energy will be loaded with fun and exciting thoughts. You may even go to a party or plan your future getaways! 

Astrology Event:

Moon in dynamic Leo

It’s the best time to:

Write down a wish-list of your dream getaways and manifest them if it is not yet safer for you to go out. Such as spending a romantic night in the Marina bay sands hotel or Atlantis the Palm Dubai. Anything is possible, maybe not right away but it is definitely possible! 


September 5th: your fresh start

On Sunday, the new moon takes place in bold Leo and you would want to embrace your authenticity and you want people to recognize and admire you. However, when you’re already in the spotlight, you’d realize that it’s not what you want after all.

Astrology Event:

New Moon in Leo

It’s the best time to:

Take the time to yourself for introspection, take this day as the start of your new beginning. Use the energy of this new moon to plot and achieve your goals. Reflect on your old goals and your old ways and set new ones for a fresh start.



When you feel like you’re at a loss and everything is going against you, dig deep into your existence – what lies beneath you is a strength you never knew existed. 

You may find it easily with the help of real psychics who see beyond what the naked eye could see. 

Have a psychic reading online with Keen psychic for the best psychic reading experience.

Everything will happen for you in the divine right timing, and everything you dream about is on the other side of fear and doubt – don’t let these feelings control you. You control YOU.


Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez is a Feng Shui advisor and Spiritual blogger. Dedicated to enchant readers and guide them to the path of finding their intrinsic self, getting self-fulfillment and prosperity

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