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What to Expect on the Last New Moon of the Year on December 4th

We are about to go through the last New Moon of the year, an exciting astrological event that heralds new beginnings, unexpected opportunities, and valuable life lessons. 


Afterward, we’ll be inspired to open our consciousness to new journeys and embrace more expansive ways of approaching our reality, thus closing the year on a high note.


New Moons initiate a new cycle in all of our lives. Still, this lunation will be especially powerful since it will also be a solar eclipse, bringing shocking revelations to our attention. 


In astrology, Solar Eclipses represent a turning point or a crossroads in our lives. Every decision you take now will have implications that may not become apparent for some time.


These celestial events will take place in the fiery sign of Sagittarius, which influences our sense of direction and purpose. 


This is why our core beliefs, sense of adventure, and personal philosophies will experience a necessary update.


For some people, this Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4th will bring adverse shocks and drama; for others, it may even be a pleasant surprise. But hidden within this surprise, you’ll feel inspired to change something in your life. 


Spiritual Meaning of Sagittarius New Moon


This New Moon is encouraging us to expand our horizons and broaden our sense of reality. Our beliefs shape our everyday experiences, and if we modify them, we’ll actively attract better opportunities to our lives.


Sagittarius is a bold and independent zodiac sign that is hungry for new adventures and to discover the ultimate meaning of life.


This is why remaining stuck in a rut won’t be an option under this lunation, so you must break from your comfort zone and take some risks in order to grow.


This is no reason to panic. Changes can make us anxious at first since we are walking through new doors to embrace a beautiful and unknown adventure.


So take a deep breath and open your arms to what life is bringing you! If you are not sure how to do this, here you have some tips on how to work with this energy.


How To Navigate This New Moon Energy


New Moons are excellent opportunities for setting the intentions for the month. 


But since this New Moon is also an eclipse, we must try to direct our energy within and use this time for reflection rather than manifestation.


New Moons don’t reflect light, which is why they represent a moment of introspection. 


Think about all the spiritual growth and personal evolution you’ve experienced over the last couple of years.


The Moon influences our moods and emotions, but as this New Moon rises alongside the intellectual Mercury, we’ll be able to navigate our feelings with more understanding and with a stronger sense of logic.




Remember to follow your inner compass but also seek advice from people who have more experience than you. 


A mentor can be of great help and encouragement during this event, especially if you feel particularly lost. You can look for a keen psychic or an astrologer near you this might even be someone you know.


But most importantly, remember that it’s a time to realign with your higher self and remember why you truly came into this world.


Did you know that even before you were born, a spirt guide or a guardian angel is already assigned to you?


And this Christmas season is the time of the year that we honor their presence and their role in this world. Hence, that is why there is an angel atop your Christmas tree. 

This Season or giving we want to give  you something we’ve never given our readers before, something intimate and sacred – a St. Michael Protection Pendant

The Michael Archangel Protection Pendant symbolizes affection, protection, and harmony from your guardian angel.

Your St. Michael Pendant can be a valuable channel to get closer to your Guardian Angel. This will make their presence feel closer and closer in your life until they become part of your daily existence.

You can pray for life’s security or financial stability, good health, to protect yourself from all evil, to have happiness and inner peace.


Don’t be afraid to reach out during your meditation or prayer time, with your intentions, or call your angel forward to visit you in your dreams.

Your Holiday gift is waiting for you here

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Maria Fernanda

Maria Fernanda

For nearly 10 years now, I have been writing about the mysteries of astrology and spirituality, with all the beauty and complexity this can entail. I strongly believe that communicating the magic of the symbolic world is also a form of healing.

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