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Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 24th, 2022 – January 30th, 2022

Hey there Spiritual Seeker, 

The last month of January brings many surprises, two lucky days, and Venus going direct. Read more to find out what the last week of the first month of 2022 awaits.

January 24th: The stars are on your favor

On Monday, ambitious Mars entering hardworking Capricorn is a powerful constellation that will urge you to stay true to your vision and to pursue your goals with passion.

Astrology Event:

Assertive Mars enters pragmatic Capricorn

It’s the best time to:

Today is the best day to plan your future ahead, to take action, or take a single step forward to reach your goals. The stars are in your favor – don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Jan 25th: Find your connection

On Tuesday, you will crave for deep human connection, you’d probably miss talking to an old friend where you can be your true self. You are longing for a profound connection, drunken nights, or hanging out with friends without purpose or natural bliss won’t entice you. You want something with meaning…

Astrology Event:

The Moon is in deep Scorpio in harmony with desirable Venus 

It’s the best time to:

Today is the best day to reach out to friends or family who bring out the best in you, who sparks the best meaningful conversations that touch your soul, whom you had experiences that were one of a kind – that even after several years, the connection is still there.

Jan 26th: Your senses are heightened, the universe is sending you messages

On Wednesday, deep Scorpio will be in harmony with intuitive and idealistic Neptune. Giving you laser-sharp intuition, compassion, and understanding. You’d feel as if you’re connected with anything and everything in the Universe.

Astrology Event:

That Scorpio Moon is in harmony with intuitive Neptune

It’s the best time to:

Your senses are heightened and it may be the best day to explore your psychic powers, write your dreams in a journal, and meditate before you sleep – the universe will be sending your messages. 

Jan 27th: An auspicious day

On Thursday, the Moon will be in optimistic Sagittarius and it will be activating its ruling planet lucky and expansive Jupiter. This gives us a positive mindset and puts luck on our side. Once again, you’ll feel the Universe in your favor on this day.

Astrology Event:

The Moon is in Sagittarius activating Jupiter 

It’s the best time to:

If you’re going to an important event or a crucial meeting, pray and ask for guidance. Despite Mercury still in Retrograde, this power constellation will give you the luck that you need to win this day.

Jan 28th: Try to focus one task at a time

On Friday, that optimistic Sagittarius Moon is on a hard angle with dreamy Neptune. This would make any simple task complicated and you’d have the tendency to procrastinate and drift away. It would take twice an effort for you to focus.

Astrology Event:

The optimistic Sagittarius Moon is in conflict with dreamy Neptune 

It’s the best time to:

If it feels like your mind is cluttered, take deep breaths and practice mindfulness. Focus on one task at a time, at the end of the day – you’ll get through this in a breeze. Be in the present moment, nothing else, and be nowhere else but here.

Jan 29th: Venus goes direct!

On Saturday, retrograde Venus will be direct, bringing comfort to your relationships, arguments will end, miscommunication with your partner as well as with friends and family will be resolved.

Astrology Event:

Affectionate, sociable Venus goes direct 

It’s the best time to:

Plan something special with your partner, the days will become brighter and nights will be once again more sensual.

Jan 30th: Adventurous Sunday

On Sunday, progressive Aquarius Sun will be in tension with spontaneous Uranus. Promoting callousness and curiosity. 

Astrology Event:

Progressive Aquarius Sun is in tension with spontaneous Uranus 

It’s the best time to:

You’d be inspired to go on an adventure, to do something new, or to reinvent your routine or your ways. Think twice and don’t do something on a whim. It would be great to try something new but you have to make sure it’s safe and it’s worth it. Other than that, you should enjoy this weekend!



This is the last week of January which brings us more closer to the Lunar New Year this coming February 1st 2022!

If you’re our subscriber we’ve been telling you about this TREMENDOUS Energy Shift, the Metal ox will be shifting to the Black Water-Pig..

The tables will turn..

And you have to take action before January 31st.

I’m talking about your Exclusive Year of the Water Tiger Reading 2022

It contains the most precise and accurate guidance you’ll ever get.

Your strengths, desires, and shortcomings – up close and personal.

And how to control the Water Tiger’s energies to attract massive abundance, wealth, love, and vitality this year.

>> Get full details here

I’m truly excited for you as we let the light of the dynamic Water-Tiger lead the way…

P.S: BONUS: Get your exclusive 2022 1-1 Psychic Reading Here

Your Daily Horoscope Overview

Picture of Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez is a Feng Shui advisor and Spiritual blogger. Dedicated to enchant readers and guide them to the path of finding their intrinsic self, getting self-fulfillment and prosperity

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