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Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 18, 2022 – April 24, 2022

Dear Spiritual Seeker, 

The astrological setting of the week will call upon your endurance and inner strength to emerge. You have many ambitions, but you must learn to bring them to fruition sustainably, which may take time. Trust in the process; everything will unfold eventually.

April 18th: Discover your passions

On Monday, your lust for power and autonomy will be difficult to hide. The Sun in fiery Aries square intense Pluto makes you assert your independence unapologetically, fighting whoever dares to get in your way. 

Astrology Event:

Sun in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn

It’s the best time to:

Let go of relationships and projects that don’t let you express your inner self. Follow your inner compass and stand up for your desires without becoming too belligerent with the outside world. Save your energy for what’s worthwhile.

April 19th: Enjoy a more leisurely pace

On Tuesday, Taurus season begins, offering a calming vibe that will help you slow down and smell the roses. The energy of the next few weeks will be patient, sensual, and productive.

Astrology Event:

The Sun enters the grounded sign of Taurus

It’s the best time to:

Slow and steady wins the race. Instead of rushing to get ahead, make sure that everything you are doing is purposeful and has a solid foundation. What you sow today will be tomorrow’s harvest.

April 20th: Make your dreams a reality

On Wednesday, the sensitive Moon will make you explore the nooks and crannies of your imagination, inspiring you to look for more exciting experiences. As it will make an aspect to ambitious Capricorn, this is your perfect opportunity to bring your ideas to fruition.

Astrology Event:

The Moon is in adventurous Sagittarius connecting to ambitious Capricorn. 

It’s the best time to:

Don’t be shy and aim higher! Release your wildest dreams and make a solid plan to make them a reality. Remember that your limiting beliefs are the only thing preventing you from having the life you deserve. 

April 21th: Challenge your boundaries 

On Thursday, you’ll have a more mature approach to your emotions as the Moon moves into down-to-earth sign of Capricorn. This lunation amplifies objectivity, focus, and emotional growth. 

The Moon will positively connect with the expressive Sun in Taurus later on, harmonizing our inner and outer self and bringing peace to our relationships.

Astrology Event:

Moon moves into hardworking Capricorn

The expressive Sun and sensitive Moon in a harmonious angle

It’s the best time to:

Enjoy having your personal and professional life balanced today. You can pat yourself on the back and be proud of your past efforts.

April 22th: Be proud of your identity

On Friday, the astrological setting expects you to take off your masks and release your authentic self with joy. The Moon will be in harmony with innovative Uranus, helping you rebel against the status quo and be proud of your unique personality.

Then, it will benefit from the influence of Jupiter, the planet of faith and sense of life, encouraging a more positive relationship with your self-esteem.

Astrology Event:

Moon in Capricorn is in harmony with creative Uranus and expansive Jupiter

It’s the best time to:

This is the perfect day to come out of your shell and expose yourself to the real world. Everyone else will be happy to meet the real you.

April 23th: Let go of old attachments

On Saturday, the Moon shifts into the liberating sign of Aquarius, inviting you to detach from whatever no longer serves your inner purpose. Walking a more independent path will help you will help you break free and discover your true self.

Astrology Event:

Moon in rebellious Aquarius

It’s the best time to:

Do something different from what you usually do. Get out of the beaten path and explore new skills! This will lead you to find a group of friends who are genuinely in tune with your intentions.

April 24th: Connect with like-minded people

On Sunday, brings a challenging day in your communications, since Mercury in passive Taurus is in disharmony with limiting Saturn. The obstacles you find today will help you become more assertive in the future.

Astrology Event:

Communicative Mercury in Taurus square restrictive Saturn in Aquarius

It’s the best time to:

Be sure to speak only as much as you need to. Exposing too much of your inner world can bring confusion during this day. Don’t demand too much of yourself!


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YOU were chosen and in this incredible reading, you’ll discover exactly how to unlock a waterfall of abundance and blessings in the coming month…

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Your Daily Horoscope Overview


Aries Horoscope Today

13 January 2020






Picture of Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez

Carline Gutierrez is a Feng Shui advisor and Spiritual blogger. Dedicated to enchant readers and guide them to the path of finding their intrinsic self, getting self-fulfillment and prosperity