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What The Saturn Retrograde Means For Your Zodiac Sign

The lord of restrictions, limitations, and karma goes into retrograde motion for the following months, turning its energy inwards and causing us to stumble over inner roadblocks in our path.


From June 4 at 5:47 p.m. ET and will end on October 23, starting a big shift in the cosmos.

Saturn retrograde offers a suitable environment for reflecting on our past mistakes and reviewing how well (or not) we managed them. 

It’s time to take responsibility for our decisions, face the consequences of our actions, and let go of unconscious patterns from our past.

As a result, we’ll emerge more mature and grounded in our reality.


Saturn Retrograde for Each Zodiac Sign:

Saturn retrograde brings a general sense of duty for all people, but each will experience this feeling in different areas of their lives.

This is what the Saturn Retrograde means for your Zodiac Sign:


Saturn Retrograde for Aries

Your friendships and social circles will be tested during this period, Aries. If you no longer align with your group’s values, it might be time to cut ties, especially if one member has somehow betrayed you.


Saturn Retrograde for Taurus

This retrograde period might delay your professional projects, Taurus. But it’s important to slow down a bit and take care of past hang-ups to achieve success karma-free. Try to endure this stage of your career with optimism!


Saturn Retrograde for Gemini

Saturn will make you question your core beliefs and purpose in life, making this a confusing period where you’ll feel lost and unmotivated. 

But you’ll have the opportunity to detach from beliefs that no longer serve your inner self, Gemini. Those prejudices are holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.


Saturn Retrograde for Cancer

Your need for control is being tested during Saturn Retrograde, Cancer. You cannot control everything that happens in your life, and there’s nothing you can do about it. 

How does this make you feel? Try to devise a better way to handle challenges in your life.


Saturn Retrograde for Leo

Your relationships cannot be based solely on tender love and romantic promises. Saturn retrograde leads you to contact with reality and become more mature in your love affairs.

It’s time to set some boundaries and discuss what you no longer want in your couple’s life.


Saturn Retrograde for Virgo

Saturn retrograde will challenge your work productivity, slowing your progress and getting frustrating results. But this is to help you get back to basics and hone those skills that need some improvement.

You’ll emerge even more productive and skilled after this retrograde season.


Saturn Retrograde for Libra

If you’ve taken too many responsibilities on your shoulders lately, Saturn retrograde encourages you to put some clear and healthy boundaries and start taking care of yourself. 

This astrological transit will teach you to be more independent and stop pleasing others all the time.


Saturn Retrograde for Scorpio

Saturn retrograde will impact your family situation, Scorpio. You might realize that you are no longer needed at home as you were before, making you feel empty and useless.

Try to see the bright side of this experience and start using this newfound spare time for something you like.


Saturn Retrograde for Sagittarius

You tend to be blunt when voicing your opinions, and the Saturn retrograde period will force you to realize that your words have consequences.

Your comments might be misinterpreted to make you choose your words carefully and think about other people’s reactions before speaking.


Saturn Retrograde for Capricorn

Your financial situation will be highlighted during this season to help you get rid of negative patterns. Outdated beliefs might influence your way of managing money. 

Change your mindset to a more abundant one, and profitable opportunities will start knocking at your door.


Saturn Retrograde for Aquarius

Don’t get too comfortable with this transit, Aquarius. You might feel like all your burdens have been magically lifted from your path, but Saturn still encourages you to work on yourself.

Reflect on who you are becoming and what things you need to do to achieve that state faster.


Saturn Retrograde for Pisces

You might have to deal with memories and emotions deeply buried in your unconscious mind. 

This is an opportunity to process traumatic experiences from the past and absorb the lessons they brought to your life.



This karmic season offers both opportunities to straighten up, to pay, or get paid with our karmic behaviors. 

But no matter what the planetary aspect is. I dedicate this article to making one of your wishes come true. <3

What better time to fulfill wishes than right before the weekend comes? Here’s your Complimentary Reading that will tell you all about the rocket fuel energy, that’s about to hit us this month!

All that you can leverage to secure your path to success and enlightenment. 

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