The Virgo Moon engages in a harmonious flow with Saturn, inviting introspection.
Emotions may feel heavy, but within these deep seated emotions you’ll find wisdom.
Allow these moments of solitude will offer you insights that will lead to your soul’s growth.
The world right now is full of uncertainties and you may find yourself at a crossroad.
A crucial decision that could impact your immediate future is coming up in your life.
And if your want to HAVE IT ALL?
Love, Money, Happiness..
You have to be one step ahead and not be blindsided by fate, as destiny can be really tricky…
This is, literally, the closest thing you’ll ever find to see into your own future!
So you could easily overcome whatever problems are about to strike you on your soul’s journey…
Get your August Reading here to reveal your predictions in the next few weeks..
You could use some extra guidance from the forces of the Universe right now
May the Force Be With You,
Sarah Lee | Master Astrologer
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