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Weekly Astrology Forecast: December 4, 2023 – December 10, 2023

Hello Spiritual Explorer,

Hold on tight for a cosmic adventure! 

This week, prepare for transformative energies, genuine connections, and positive vibes coming your way. 

Read on for the cosmic scoop—it’s going to be epic!

December 4th: A Day of Authentic bonds 

Social Venus graces sultry Scorpio on Monday, urging genuine connections and embracing transformation. Dive into emotional depths, fostering authentic bonds while embracing vulnerability. 

Cosmic Event:

Social Venus graces Scorpio

Ideal actions:

Explore profound connections and don’t be afraid to show your authentic self.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.


December 5th:  A Day of growth

On Tuesday, A Last Quarter Moon in Virgo brings a phase for refinement and self-reflection. Dive into perfecting practical aspects and engage in critical self-assessment for personal growth.


Cosmic Event:

Last Quarter Moon in Virgo

Ideal actions:

Self-reflect and practice valuable aspects of life for personal growth and expansion.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.


December 6th:  A Day of Intuition

On Wednesday, Neptune turns direct in Pisces, ushering in a wave of creativity and spirituality. Trust your intuition, embark on artistic endeavors, and nurture compassion within. 


Cosmic Event:

Neptune turns direct in Pisces

Ideal actions:

It’s a prime moment to delve into artistic and spiritual pursuits, allowing your intuition to guide you.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.

December 7th:  A Day of Positivity 

On Thursday,  Mercury aligns harmoniously with Jupiter, sparking optimism, expansive thoughts, and mental clarity. Embrace this surge of positivity and intellectual brilliance.


Cosmic Event:

Mercury aligns with Jupiter

Ideal actions:

Welcome expansive thinking, newfound optimism, and a broader philosophical spectrum.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.


December 8th:  A Day of Vulnerability 

On Friday, The Moon ventures into intense Scorpio, prompting meaningful dialogues and advocating vulnerability in relationships. Engage deeply and authentically in connections.


Cosmic Event:

Moon ventures into intense Scorpio

Ideal actions:

It’s a day to connect and share deeper thoughts and feelings authentically. Allow yourself to be open and genuine in your interactions, fostering intimacy and understanding in your relationships. 

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.


December 9th: A Day of Fulfilling Connections.

On Saturday: Venus faces tension with Jupiter, intensifying romantic and social energies. Desires for pleasure and meaningful connections surge—it’s a time to indulge in fulfilling connections. 


Cosmic Event:

Venus faces tension with Jupiter

Ideal actions:

It’s a time when desires for pleasure and deeper connections surge. Embrace this fervor by indulging in activities that bring joy and allow for meaningful interactions. Engage in social endeavors or spend quality time with loved ones, tapping into the heightened passion and enthusiasm of the day.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here. 

December 10th:  A Day of Creativity 

On Sunday, The Scorpio Moon harmonizes with Neptune, creating a dreamy, imaginative ambiance. Channel this energy into creative expression and welcome spiritual insights. It’s a day to nurture your creativity and seek inner revelations.


Cosmic Event:

Scorpio Moon harmonizes with Neptune

Ideal actions:

Explore artistic endeavors or spend moments in reflection and meditation, allowing your intuition to guide you toward deeper spiritual understanding and creative inspiration.

Access your personalized reading for December and beyond, right here.


In Summary:

Exciting cosmic energies are coming your way this week! Get ready for a thrilling cosmic adventure filled with transformations and positive vibes. Stay tuned for the magic! 


Get your personalized reading for December here.  Unlock the magical experiences that lie ahead.

Master Sarah Lee

Master Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee dedicated herself to the study of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui since the 1980s. To date, she has analyzed over hundreds and thousands of profiles transforming the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals.