July 10th Sun in Cancer Trine Saturn in Pisces — Seeking Guidance from Loved Ones

On July 10, the celestial energies favor seeking guidance and wisdom from those closest to you, as the Sun in Cancer forms a harmonious trine aspect with Saturn in Pisces. This alignment encourages us to tap into the supportive wisdom of family and friends, recognizing the value of their insights in navigating life’s challenges.

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June 20 – Longest Day of the Year: Welcome Summer Solstice and Cancer Season

As the Sun enters Cancer on June 20th, marking the Summer Solstice and the ancient festival of Litha, we find ourselves at the threshold of a new season brimming with potential and warmth. This celestial event heralds the longest day of the year, a time when daylight lingers and nature bursts forth in its fullest splendor. It’s a moment to celebrate the richness of life and the promise of abundance ahead.

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