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Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 13 -19, 2020

Monday, January 13 A pleasant week is ahead of you! Today, the Sun conjuncts with Pluto and this inspires us to tap into our inner power and our ability to influence our future and many outcomes of our lives. It’s the best day to: Plan ahead for your future and focus on what’s important.

The North Corner

When there’s a steady income with improved financial setup, life becomes better. The energy that leads to well-balanced finance and its related activities is lies within the north corner. The Feng Shui marks north corner as the center of career development, endurance, and business chances. This corner also symbolizes the money you have earned, your salary or the income from the business.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 20 -26, 2020

We are in the 3rd week of January! And on the 25th we will be celebrating the Chinese New year. Which means the energy of the Metal rat will become more omnipotent. This week will be particularly exciting for Aquarians as they will be celebrating their birthdays in the coming weeks. Advanced Happy Birthday to my Aquarian readers!

The West Corner

The west corner, in the Feng Shui, is associated with children mainly. But, it is not restricted to them only. It also symbolizes family. This corner is located where the children are present mainly i.e. in between their parents.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: January 27 – Feb 2, 2020

How’s the 1st month of 2020 treating you so far? We are in the last week of January! Whew, that was fast. It is also the first work week under a new moon direction, Aquarius. And this week will be so exciting you’ll be at the edge of your seat! It will be an emotional roller coaster ride.

Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 3 – 9, 2020

This week will be smooth sailing with just a few bumps compared to the emotional roller coaster we had last week. It will be a week full of inspiration and huge decision making.