Karmic Debt Number: Your Destiny

Have you ever wondered what you were in your past life? What debts you owe or what the universe owes you?

Were you a compassionate, generous person in your past life? Or are you going to receive abundant blessings in this life because of your past?

There are FOUR Karmic Debt numbers:13, 14, 16, and 19 and each has different meanings.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how you can calculate your karmic bank and what they really mean.

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Weekly Astrology Forecast: April 5th – April 11th, 2021

A joyous first week of April to you, Spiritual Seeker!

Did you know that April is the month of the Goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite?

This means it’s the month of growth as well as moving forward in positive ways.

April has the psychic energy of Abundance.

Are you excited about the fruitful blessings this week will bring?

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Communicate With Your Spiritual Guides For Love, Success, and Abundance

Don’t you just despise the feeling of not knowing what you want?

Or where you want to go in life?

Waking up in the morning feeling aimless and lost?

As if you’re right in a middle of a crossroad, and you can’t seem to figure a way out?

Do you want to wake up in the morning having it all figured out what you want to do with your life from here on?

Having this comforting feeling of satisfaction that you’re on the right path to your goals and desires.

Well, what you need is spiritual guidance.

And in this article, we’re going to dissect what a spiritual guide is and help you figure out if you really need one.

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