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Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 10 – 16, 2020

This week we are coming off from the Leo Full Moon and we will feel some sort of relief. 

We are also on the energy of reflection and love, Valentine’s Day is on the 14th and love is definitely in the air!

Monday, February 10: Intuitive YOU

On Monday the Moon and Mercury will be in Pisces and we will be more visual and intuitive 

You will be more enticed to make decisions intuitively. 

At 10:49 PM the Moon will be in opposition to Mercury and you will have the tendency to become moody.

Astrology Event: Mercury in Pisces, Moon opposition to Mercury

It’s the best time to: Make sound decisions during the day and rest easy at night.

What you should avoid: Don’t let the opinion of others get to you, don’t let your emotions ruin your day. Avoid social commitments at night.

Tuesday, February 11: Deep Feelings

On Tuesday, the astrological events will trigger some deep feelings you have buried for quite some time. You will also feel extra social and friendly and there will be spiritual feelings of love 

allowing you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life.

This will lead you to look at the future with much confidence.

Astrology Event: Trine between Moon and Pluto

It’s the best time to: Appreciate what you have right now and enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Bask into the glow of spiritual love.

What you should avoid: Stop focusing on what you don’t have. Pursue your goals but don’t despise your life right now.

Wednesday, February 12: Un-Adulting

On Wednesday two female planets face each other and this could spark sensitivity among us. Like a mother and daughter conflict, it will come unexpectedly with the pettiest reasons.

Astrology Event: Moon opposing Venus

It’s the best time to: Focus on yourself today and if you feel the need to “un-adult”, just do so. Sit on a chair and eat ice cream for 10 minutes. Then go back to being an adult.

What you should avoid: Think before you react and before you say anything, be mindful of your words.

Thursday, February 13: Unity

On Thursday there will be unity on both sexes, your partner or your co-worker will agree on a lot of things today. In terms of principles and ideas, you will get along well.

You can also expect a long-overdue reconciliation.

Astrology Event: Moon square on Pluto 

It’s the best time to: Savor this moment and express yourself.

What you should avoid: You have the tendency to become impatient and melancholic today. Do something productive and fun!

Friday, February 14: Honor Thy Commitments

On Friday it will be Valentines day! The energy will be stable and we will be enjoying the rest of the day.

Astrology Event: Mars is moving into the sign of Taurus

It’s the best time to: Think about your commitments in terms of money and relationship.

What you should avoid: Avoid making commitments you can’t honor. Don’t make decisions based on your emotions on this day.

Saturday, February 15: Laser-Sharp FOCUS

On Saturday you will be able to focus on your tasks for the day, with laser-sharp focus you can accomplish so many things you’ve been putting off. The universe is supporting you to complete your pending tasks.

Astrology Event: The Moon is in opposition to Uranus. Moon trine on Jupiter 

It’s the best time to:  Your patience will go a long way today. Do that work out routine you’ve been putting off for weeks, finish the business research you plan so on doing or that passion project you haven’t started.

What you should avoid

Don’t do multiple tasks at once. 

Sunday, February 16: Reality Bites

On Sunday our need to achieve our ambitions and desires is heightened especially when it comes to professional success. You will strive for success on this day more and you will realize how serious you are in wanting to accomplish your goals.

Astrology Event: Energy planet Mars enters Capricorn

It’s the best time to: Plan your goals for the next 6 months. What do you plan to do? What’s the next step in your professional career or business?

What you should avoid: Keep your planning within the bounds of reality. Daydreaming is essential but make sure that you’re not taking it too far. 


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13 January 2020






Picture of Master Sarah Lee

Master Sarah Lee

Sarah Lee dedicated herself to the study of Chinese Astrology and Feng Shui since the 1980s. To date, she has analyzed over hundreds and thousands of profiles transforming the lives of more than 1,000,000 individuals.